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PHY 3210: Principles of Astronomy
History of Astronomy
PHY 3210: Principles of Astronomy
History of Astronomy
600 BC to the 15th Century
16th to 19th Centuries
20th & 21st Centuries
Types of Astrological Objects
Space Phenomenon
Current Theories
Laws of Physics
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Research Help
600 BC to the 15th Century
2.2 Ancient Astronomy Around the World
7 Ancient Cultures and How They Shaped Astronomy
Ancient Greek Astronomy and Cosmology
From symbols to written landscapes. The role of astronomy in ancient Egyptian architecture
Garga and Early Astral Science in India
Life and activity of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi
On the problem of astronomy and popular prejudices: the case of ancient astronomers and NASA funding
The Role of Astronomy in Romanian Education
16th to 19th Centuries
Astronomy in the 19th century
Copernicus and His Successors
Kepler and the Universe : How One Man Revolutionized Astronomy
Leonard and Thomas Digges: 16th Century Mathematical Practitioners
Making Stars Physical : The Astronomy of Sir John Herschel
Mapping Skies and Continents: The Production of Two Portuguese Scientific Atlases in the Era of Napoleonic Expansion (1799-1813)
The New Astronomy: Crash Course History of Science #13
Scientific Revolution: Crash Course European History #12
The Scientific Revolution: Crash Course History of Science #12
What Galileo Saw : Imagining the Scientific Revolution
20th & 21st Centuries
The eclipse photo that made Einstein famous
Eight Women Astronomers You Should Know
A half century of infrared astronomy - A personal recollection of the footprints in Japan.
How Astronomers Revolutionized Our View of the Cosmos
How Edwin Hubble Became the 20th Century’s Greatest Astronomer
Hubble at 25: The Original Hubble
A stellar history of modern astronomy | Emily Levesque
Stephen Hawking's big ideas... made simple | Guardian Animations
Types of Astrological Objects >>