Accuracy in Media"Accuracy In Media is a non-profit, grassroots citizens watchdog of the news media that critiques botched and bungled news stories and sets the record straight on important issues that have received slanted coverage." (Accuracy in Media website)
American CIvil Liberties Union (ACLU)"The ACLU works in the courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to all people in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States." (ACLU website)
CounterbalanceWith content divided into Subjects, Themes, and Questions, this website provides summaries on a variety of scientific and philosophical issues.", a 501(c)(3) nonprofit nonpartisan public charity, provides professionally-researched pro, con, and related information on more than 50 controversial issues from gun control and death penalty to illegal immigration and alternative energy." ( website)
Evaluating Websites
When searching for sources, remember to evaluate the information you find.