These sites are good places to look for medical videos.
LearnersTV is a comprehensive site providing thousands of downloadable Video lectures, Live Online Tests,etc on a wide variety of subjects. Access to content is free. This site provides free video and audio lectures of whole courses conducted by faculty from reputed universities around the world. | | is an online library dedicated for videos, movies, Sounds, Audio, Pictures, Images, Illustrations and other media related to Medicine and Surgery to provide one easy place to find whatever a doctor,medical student,nurse, health care workers or any individuals involved in medicine to find whatever he/she looks for. |
MedlinePlus provides links to prerecorded webcasts of surgical procedures. These are actual operations performed at medical centers in the United States since 2004. Closed caption may be available. |
VideoMD was created by physicians, for physicians and their patients. All featured videos are reviewed for medical content, and their screening process confirms the credentials and identity of all healthcare providers. |