D.B.A. Baker College (Michigan), 2011.
Specialization: Business; Management; Business education
Understanding how human resource managers rank their competencies and the contributions they make to strategic problem solving
168 pages. UMI #: AAT 3546845
Bibliographic Record in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Database
The purpose of this research was to investigate how competencies possessed by human resource management (HRM) professionals can be used to enhance the contribution they make to their organizations and to better understand how those professionals perceive their competencies and what opportunities they recognize for applying them to strategic problems. A mixed-methods, sequential, triangulation design was used with a nonrandom convenience sample of 67 HRM professionals. Data were collected with an online survey designed by the researcher. Ten hypotheses associated with four of six research questions were tested using the following tests in Excel and the PHStat2 add-in: descriptive statistics, an independent samples t test using a Levene test and a t test assuming unequal variance, ANOVA (single factor), Tukey-Kramer, Mann-Whitney U test, and the Kruskal-Wallis test. Significant differences were found among the HRM professionals in their self perceived competencies in Negotiation, based on gender and level of education; in Strategic Management, based on level of education; and in Problem Recognition, based on level of education. The results of the study should provide HRM professionals with salient information regarding the most effective ways they can increase their influence and benefit the companies they serve.