D.B.A. Baker College (Michigan), 2020.
Specialization: Business administration
Process of implementation & execution of sentiment analysis in businesses: A single case study
151 pages. UMI #: 2417068551
Citation, Abstract & Full text in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Database
The continuous enhancement of information technologies, including natural language processing, along with the advent of social media and its vast amount of unstructured data, have allowed organizational decision makers to more deeply analyze consumer sentiment. Sentiment analysis is becoming an important new tool within business intelligence practices. Consumer feedback remains central to many business decisions, and this new tool may be an important step forward. Although the deployment of sentiment analysis has become increasingly common, few academic researchers have studied how to deploy the tool effectively. The purpose of this study was to determine how sentiment analysis can be deployed most effectively to improve strategic and tactical decisions in businesses. A review of theories and current literature on business intelligence, sentiment analysis, and organizational decision making will provide context and underpin the following research questions: How is sentiment analysis used today in business? How have companies successfully implemented consumer sentiment analytics? What are current best practices in the application of sentiment analysis to business tactical and strategic decision making? The researcher used a qualitative case study methodology with a questionnaire and follow up interviews to gather data from a purposive sample of practitioners who have implemented sentiment analysis in their businesses.