Use this list of keywords when searching the library's databases.
If searching for information on a particular author, try:
Author's Last Name, First Name
For information on a particular work, try:
"Title of Work"
Putting the title in quotation marks will ensure that only articles that feature those words in that order will appear.
E-books are real books, you are simply reading an electronic version of them.
Off-campus, you will need to log in with Baker's two-step authentication to access the library resources.
Limit search on the Library Resources:
Look for e-mail and download options.
Do you have an abstract or citation?
Type the Journal Title into
You'll get a list of databases with full text access to your journal.
If you still can't find the article, submit a request for a copy of the full article.
When searching for sources, remember to evaluate the information you find.
Keep in mind the 5 W's: