What can learning support do for you?
Free Tutoring Services!
Want a professional tutor who can offer feedback on your paper or a math concept explained to you in a different way? Our tutors can help! On-ground tutoring is available in several subjects and drop-in clinics are available for math and writing.
Not finding what you need on-ground? Visit one of our other campuses or have an appointment wherever you have a Wi-Fi connection through our Virtual Academic Resource Center. Virtual ARC appointments employ teleconferencing audio-visual technology and can be reviewed again and again at baker.mywconline.com.
Reference Assistance!
Our Academic Resource Center, offers print health science journals as well as assistance navigating the Baker and Michigan e-Library electronic libraries and databases. Don’t forget that our librarians have crafted some excellent supplemental resources for most of your classes at guides.baker.edu/library.
Additional Resources!
The ARC also furnishes students with computers, multi-function printers, and quiet/group study room options. With tables for collaborating and a marketplace for fueling your academic curiosity, there is so much you can do in the ARC!