Prewriting: Brainstorming may involve initial research. Identify the issue you wish to write about. Think about your purpose and audience. Research to find out more about the issue so that you can better form a THESIS.
Writing/Drafting: When your instructor tells you to come to class with a draft, the product does not have to be in a finished state but it should be a complete draft with an introduction, body and conclusion. This will allow others to respond and give you feedback.
Revision: The revision process may seem like an overhaul. You may reorganize, delete paragraphs, add paragraphs, and/or refine your language. You may want to consider preparing a post-draft utline to help with your organization.
Editing: At this step, you are polishing the essay. Read it over. Read it out loud. This will help to identify issues with sentence structure or wording. This will also help to identify issues with punctuation and spelling. Consider having someone else read it as well.
At all phases of the writing process, the Writing Center is there to assist you. Stop in at the ARC during drop-in hours or go to