Welcome to COM 1010! In this Guide, you will find materials to assist with the writing process, research (information literacy), and materials specific to our COM 1010 writing assignments
Here are a few of the many Baker Library Resources available for you as you begin your research. Search the Library Resourcesfor more credible sources, depending on your topic.
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowAcademic Search Complete offers an enormous collection of full-text journals, providing users access to critical information from many sources unique to this database. In addition, it includes peer-reviewed full text for STEM research, as well as for the social sciences and humanities. Scholarly content covers a broad range of important areas of academic study, including anthropology, engineering, law, sciences and more.
Gale PowerSearchThis link opens in a new windowSearch all Gale/InfoTrac databases.
ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health PremiumThis link opens in a new windowFind articles from leading nursing and allied health journals and magazines. This database covers the fields of nursing, allied health, and alternative and complementary medicine.
U.S. NewsstreamThis link opens in a new windowU.S. Newsstream offers exclusive access to the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and co-exclusive access (with Factiva) to The Wall Street Journal. U.S. Newsstream also offers one of the largest collections of local and regional newspapers, and is cross-searchable on the ProQuest platform. Coverage: 1980 - current
How to Use the DatabasesThis Powerpoint was created by Baker for specific use with our databases.