We are a very visual society. Think of the visuals we are bombarded with on a daily basis: commercials, advertisements, billboards, bumper stickers, ads on Facebook and Twitter, etc. Further, we are consistently presented with visuals of all shapes and sizes, and modes: phones, internet, memes, social media, TV, billboard, etc.
In Non-discursive Rhetoric, Joddy Murray (2009) highlighted the significance of the relationships among emotions, images, and argumentation. What does all of this mean? Well, it basically means that we must be intentional with the visuals and images that we use when creating meaning-making moments in the classroom, as those images and visuals are loaded with emotion and argument (without words). Consider your PowerPoint assignment in COM 1010 - - - visuals hold your audience's attention while also educating/informing them.
Images/Visuals can be used to:
• Organize a presentation or create an advertisement / infographic
• Provide interest and motivation for your audience
• Increase learning or information
• Explain the relationships of parts to the whole
• Clarify something difficult, complicated or very large or stress very important points
Below we have provided a few tips to assist you in understanding and analyzing images as assigned to you by your instructor.