Access Physiotherapy: F.A. Davis PT CollectionThis link opens in a new windowThe F.A. Davis PT Collection on AccessPhysiotherapy is the most comprehensive digital subscription product on the market for educators and physical therapy students.
Book CatalogThis link opens in a new windowThe book catalog is a listing of all print and audio-visual items at all Baker libraries. E-Books are also linked in the book catalog. E-Books are full-text and can be read from any computer.
Business Book Summaries (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowEBSCO's Business Book Summaries (BBS) provides concise yet comprehensive summaries of the best business books. With these summaries, professionals and students can keep up with the latest information in the business world and learn more effectively.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR)This link opens in a new windowThis revised manual integrates the original published DSM-5 diagnostic criteria with modifications (mostly for clarity) for over 70 disorders, comprehensively updated descriptive text accompanying each of the DSM disorders based on reviews of the literature since the publication of DSM-5, and the addition of a new diagnosis, prolonged grief disorder, and symptom codes for reporting suicidal and nonsuicidal self-injurious behavior.
eBook Academic Collection (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowOffering more than 170,000 e-books, this collection includes titles from leading university presses such as Oxford University Press, MIT Press, State University of New York Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, McGill-Queen's University Press, Harvard University Press and many others. Additional academic publishers include Elsevier, Ashgate Publishing, Taylor & Francis, Sage Publications and John Wiley & Sons.
eBook Business Collection (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowThe collection includes over 9,400 e-books encompassing a variety of business topics such as marketing, finance, supply chain management and entrepreneurship and also focusing on career growth, personal development, communication and networking.
eBook High School Collection (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowSpecifically for high school students and educators, this collection offers full-text eBook coverage that aligns with school's curricula as well as complements EBSCO's other eResources. There is a selection of teacher resources and titles align with Common Core Curriculum Standards. Full-text titles: 9,800+.
eBook K-8 Collection (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowThe eBook K-8 Collection contains titles chosen to support a quality learning experience for K-8 students across all subject areas taught in elementary and middle schools, and content aligns with Common Core Curriculum Standards (for participating U.S. states). The collection also features a selection of teacher resources to support educators and administrators. Full-text titles: 12,450+.
eBooks on EBSCOhostThis link opens in a new windowElectronic versions of printed books. eBooks can be viewed on any device connected to the Internet. Some are available for download.
Facts and Comparisons eAnswersThis link opens in a new windowFacts & Comparisons eAnswers is an easy-to-use online tool that arms pharmacists with key drug and clinical information to support everyday tasks. Access over 6,000 comparative drug tables, screen for allergy interactions, check for potential drug interactions, and more.
Gale eBooksThis link opens in a new windowEncyclopedic articles in the following subject areas: biography, business, education, environment, general reference, history, law, literature, medicine, multicultural studies, nation and world, religion, science, social science, and technology.
ProQuest Ebook CentralThis link opens in a new windowElectronic versions of printed books. E-books can be viewed on any device connected to the internet. Some are available for download.
Salem HealthThis link opens in a new windowSalem Health: Psychology ~ Mental Health. Along with the complete articles and sidebars from the printed set, also included are hundreds of photographs, illustrations, indexes, appendixes, and directories.
Salem HistoryThis link opens in a new windowIncludes Encyclopedia of American Business, Great Events from History, Great Lives from History, and Milestone Documents.
Salem LiteratureThis link opens in a new windowCritical reviews and essays on several classic works and authors.
Salem ScienceThis link opens in a new windowIncludes Forensic Science and the Encyclopedia of Global Warming.
STAT!Ref (TDS Health)This link opens in a new windowHandy collection of medical e-books.
Statistical Abstract of the U.S.This link opens in a new windowThe Statistical Abstract of the United States, published since 1878, is the authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. Sources of data include the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and many other Federal agencies and private organizations.